Tuesday, June 12, 2007

He's learning so much

It's hard to remember all the little things we talk about and he learns throughout a day. I want to try to keep track, mostly so if his dad or the in laws start grousing about no "visible work" I will have a log of the things he is doing and learning.

In the past few days we've talked about calories, and how they provide your body with energy, but that not all calories are the same, and more processed foods aren't as healthy as less processed foods. We had a discussion about conjoined twins which broke off into genetics, treating people who are different with respect, learning to get along in the world when overcoming personal obstacles, and animal conjoined twins. The animal discussion was pretty abruptly ended as he just couldn't stand seeing the sad images of the animals. We came across the book "High Score", a history of video games, and he's had a lot of fun reading through that. There have been other topics but they escape me right now.

Sort of tangentially,last night he had drawing class at the community center. Last week he seemed to really not like it but the work he did was good and I really think he would like it if he wasn't such a harsh judge of his own abilities and work. I talked to him about how great I think he is doing and told him I'd like him to complete the class and see if it improved for him. We walked down to the car about 10 minutes before class and the key wouldn't turn.

So, I said, "No class this week, buddy, I'm sorry." And he was disappointed! Which, you know, I was happy about, because it meant he was actually looking forward to the class. So I dragged my out of shape behind out of the car and we walked it. He finished the class frustrated again, but in a much milder way. I suspect that it's almost a cover, so that if anyone else doesn't like what he produces he's safe - he's already indicated he doesn't think much of it. As he progresses I suspect he will loosen up and really enjoy it.

Alex has another class tonight, his first in gymnastics. The car is still in the shop, but I am confident it will be done in time or we will be able to wrangle a ride out of a good friend.

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